Monday, 5 December 2011

Circulation of the Music Magazines

Music magazine circulation
View more presentations from stanshirokiy.

In this powerpoint, my concentration had been placed on the circulation which the magazines produces in the certain time period. Even though, in the third slide the data given is taken from 2009 it is still useful to study on how the technology affected the levels of sales which the magazines produces. On the last slide, I have taken the data from 2011, and the sales of some magazines had decreased dramatically whilst the others had improved and gained new customers.

In the Powerpoint, there is also an indication of the target audience of the magazine. I have undertaken a research on Q, Mojo and Vibe, and it was very interesting as the different target audience would play an impact on the tone, language, articles and even adverts that being used in the magazine.

Even though, there had a small amount mentioned about the effect and impacts of Internet on the magazine. I would do another powerpoint concentrating on what the customers would prefer to do: have a paper copy of the magazine or read the articles online which are free? In order to find an answer I would ask couple of my friends, about their personal opinion.

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